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pdf DETAIL 12.2023 Increasing Density


DETAIL 12.2023 Increasing Density
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From the editorial DETAIL 12.2023

Spaces We Love, Changes We Require

This December issue is dedicated to urban density and the architectural solutions needed to achieve it. While we understand the necessity of densification, few are eager to sacrifice their own space – the “not in my backyard” sentiment prevails. Swiss urban sociologist Joëlle Zimmerli delves into this dilemma in her essay. Swiss urban sociologist Joëlle Zimmerli delves into this dilemma in her essay. Our Documentation section showcases recent projects that successfully implement densification scenarios and enhance the urban space. Building within existing structures clearly presents a significant challenge in densification, with the urban context and the condition of the stock playing pivotal roles. This applies to both expansions and renovations in dense urban environments.

Anticipating how climate change will affect architecture in 2024 requires clairvoyance. Nevertheless, it is clear that we are already reassessing our approach to architecture and challenging longstanding norms. The spotlight now shines on taking tangible steps to propel climate-friendly construction forward. In this issue, we are also looking back on 2023. We reflect on places and everyday moments - some familiar and cherished, others surprising and fresh. Wishing you happy holidays and a peaceful New Year.

Страна: Германия
Язык: немецкий/английский
Периодичность: 10 выпусков в год+ 2 Detail Green + 2 Special


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