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Журнал DETAIL 1-2.2023 Building in Existing Contexts


DETAIL 1-2.2023 Building in Existing Contexts
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Building in Existing Contexts

The construction tasks involved in the refurbishment of old buildings range from the pure renovation of dilapidated building fabric that needs to be adapted to current requirements and standards to the conversion and reuse of old buildings. Depending on the year of construction of the existing building, the measures required vary, and the location also plays a major role in the choice of means.
In our next issue on the topic of "Building in Existing Contexts," we will present six international building examples and a technical article on these different focal points.

Страна: Германия
Язык: немецкий/английский
Периодичность: 10 выпусков в год+ 2 Detail Green + 2 Special


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