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Журнал N. 209 Roger Boltshauser 2002 2021


Журнал N. 209 Roger Boltshauser 2002 2021

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Roger Boltshauser (Zurich, Switzerland, 1964) graduated at ETH Zurich in 1995. One year later he founded his office Boltshauser Architekten, and started working as Research Associate at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta), and as Design Assistant for Peter Märkli visiting professorship, both at ETH Zurich. He has also taught at EPFL Lausanne, the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Dessau and the University of Technology Munich.
He was the initiator and founding member of the architect group Krokodil in 2008. He was a member of the city planning commission of the City of Lucerne, of the Schweizer Baumuster-Centrale Zürich and, since 2018, he is a member of the building committee of the City of Zurich.
Equipment Storage Buildings and
Finishing Tower Sihlhölzli Rauch House
Conversion of Studio Building Dubsstrasse

Allenmoos II School Pavilion

Hirzenbach Residential High-Rise

Ozeanium, Basel Zoo

Krämeracker Primary School

Office Building Renovation Bleicherweg

Renovation of Low-Rise Buildings in Hirzenbach

Steel House Case Study

Ingenbohl Convent Retirement Center

H1 Zwhatt-Areal High-Rise

Baufeld F Europaallee

Wasserwerke Zug Office and
Infrastructure Building

Sitterwerk St Gallen Mock-up

Kiln Tower for the Brickworks Museum, Cham

New DTB Operations Building, St Gallen

Oerlikon. Sports and Swimming Center

ZZM Dentistry Center, University of Zurich

Residential Development Altwiesen

GLC Research Building, ETH


Страна: Испания
Язык: английский / испанский
Издатель: El Croquis
Периодичность: 5 раз в год
Semi-hard cover
332 pages
24 x 34 cm - 2,2 Kg
