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Журнал N. 203 Harquitectes 2010 2020


Журнал N. 203 Harquitectes 2010 2020

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This monograph is dedicated to the work of Harquitectes between 2010 and 2020. This office was founded by David Lorente, Josep Ricart, Xavier Ros and Roger Tudó in 2000.

David Lorente Ibáñez (Granollers, Barcelona, 1972) graduated at ETSA del Vallès in 2000.

Josep Ricart Ulldemolins (Cendanyoya del Vallès, Barcelona, 1973) graduated at ETSA del Vallès in 1999. He worked as Associated Teacher at the Architectural Design Department of ETSAV (UPC) in 2005. He developed research tasks at the Development and Service Center of local Administration, linked to ETSAV until 2009. From 2010 to 2015, he worked as Guest Teacher at ESARQ (UIC), the University of Texas at Austin and the Escola Politècnica Superior of University of Girona.

Xavier Ros Majó (Sabadell, Barcelona, 1972) graduated at ETSA del Vallès in 1998. He worked as Associated Teacher at the Architectural Design Department of ETSAB (UPC) in 2010, and has assisted as Guest Teacher at Porto Academy'15 (Portugal) and at Escola Politècnica Superior Universitat de Girona. He created the blog 'Arquitectures234.blogspot.com' in 2010.

Roger Tudó Galí (Terrasa, Barcelona, 1973) graduated at ETSA del Vallès in 1999. From 2004 to 2009, he was teacher at the Architectural Technology Department of La Salle de Barcelona, and he was Associated Teacher at the Architectural Technology Department of ETSAV (UPC) until 2015. He assisted as Guest Teacher at Umea Universitet School of Architecture’, Umea, Sweden, in 2013. Since 2019, he works as Teacher at Taller PTZ Design Studio, ETSAV (UPC).

Страна: Испания
Язык: английский / испанский
Издатель: El Croquis
Периодичность: 5 раз в год
Semi-hard cover
360 pages
24 x 34 cm - 2,2 Kg
