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Doma issue 06: Bak Gordon, 6A Architects, KAAN Architecten, Estudio Herreros, Brandlhuber+


Doma issue 06: Bak Gordon, 6A Architects, KAAN Architecten, Estudio Herreros, Brandlhuber+
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‘DOMa’ revisits the architectural process in an informed and elaborate manner, to understand and analyse it from within while ensuring the creative process is not overlooked. The sixth issue includes a project on making houses in three different contexts (city, suburbs, countryside) by Bak Gordon Arquitectos; an analysis by 6A Architects of A2_B2 Greenwhich Design District; KAAN Architecten’s examination of the design and construction of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp; a peek into the archive of the project EspacioSOLO by Estudio Herreros; and altering the perception of two existing towers through minimal effort and intervention proposed by Brandlhuber+.

Страна: Греция
Язык: английский/греческий
Издатель: Doma Magazine
174 p, ills colour & bw, 23 x 30 cm, pb, Greek/English
