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10 Stories Of Collective Housing By A+T Research Group


10 Stories Of Collective Housing By A+T Research Group

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This publication presents an in-depth study of collective housing through ten masterworks from the 20th century. For the first time, a+t research group has carried out a graphic architectural analysis, which includes 3D models of the buildings and highlights the most important contributions made by each of the works toward developing desirable housing. The publication recognises masters such as Ignazio Gardella, Michiel Brinkman, Ralph Erskine and Fumihiko Maki – individuals who have defended their personal visions of architecture – and includes such projects as Cité de la Muette, Casa Borsalino, Justus van Effen Complex, Byker Redevelopment and Le Centre Jeanne Hachette.

Страна: Испания
Язык: Spanish/English
Издатель: A+t Architecture Publishers
Формат издания 140x300
Количество страниц 320
Переплет твердая обложка
ISBN 9788461641369

10 Stories Of Collective Housing By A+T Research Group 

Книги издательства A+T поставляются под заказ Срок доставки 1 месяц

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